Monday, September 1, 2014

How to prevent or cure gum problems

Before I get to curing or preventing gum problems, you should know the difference between healthy gums and unhealthy ones. Healthy gums are generally a nice coral pink, smooth, cover your teeth properly at the base, and don’t contain any painful lesions. Those with gum diseases bleed, have tartar, are swollen, give you an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and pain a lot!
Your mouth constantly makes a sticky substance called plaque which contains bacteria that result in the formation of tartar and cause gum diseases. Gum diseases occur due to improper oral hygiene, smoking or chewing tobacco, low immunity, diseases like diabetes, stress, poor nutrition, and can even be hereditary, just to name a few…
Gingivitis and periodontitis are the most common gum diseases, and if not treated in time can lead to the loss of a precious tooth! Gingivitis brings on swollen gums, loose teeth and bad breath. This happens when your gums are neglected, so make sure you pay equal attention to your gums while taking care of your teeth! The advanced stage of gingivitis, is known as periodontitis. This occurs when the infection spreads under the gum line. It slowly damages the tissue and bone of the tooth.
Rush to your dentist right away if you think you’ve got the slightest hint of gum disease! If your gums are left untreated it could affect your overall health as well. Treating a gum disease means a strict oral care regimen, getting your teeth cleaned at a dental clinic, medication, and sometimes even surgery. When it comes to receding gums, the dentist deep cleans your teeth and the root surface below the gum line to remove the plaque and build-up of tarter. It’s not a very comfortable situation, and is best avoided by preventing any gum disease from ever occurring.

Preventing gum diseases is pretty easy. All you need to do is adopt healthy oral habits.
-Brush your teeth after every meal.
-Use a good dental floss.
-Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash like Listerine
-And visit a dentist regularly!
-Change your toothbrush once in three months.
-Adopt a balanced diet.

Now that you know, make sure you adopt at least a good 3 step oral care routine of brushing your teeth, flossing them, and rinsing with a mouthwash. It doesn’t have to be a grim grin on your face. Hope this helps. :)

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