Showing posts with label oral problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oral problems. Show all posts

Monday, July 21, 2014

The mouth rinse takes it all

If you think brushing your teeth twice a day will keep you off the dentist's chair, think again. The gums that protect your teeth need tender loving care too. Periodontal tissues, which surround and support the teeth, are vulnerable to diseases, too. Not following the right rituals of cleaning them can cause problems ranging from light inflammations to something as scary as loss of teeth.

Gum disease like gingivitis, which is the inflammation of the gums, and periodontitis, which can happen when gingivitis remain untreated, are the result of the bacteria that reside in the mouth.

Inching into gingivitis :

While bad mouth odor can be indicative that all’s not well in your mouth, the starting point of any gum disease is with the build-up of plaque on the teeth.

And Plaque? Well, plaque is that sticky, yellowish layer that forms around your teeth. While some bacteria are needed for your body’s daily functions, a lot of them are pretty harmful when they are not flushed out of the body, including those in and around the teeth. Brushing surely is the first step towards the oral hygiene. But sometimes, the plaque still remains unchecked either because of insufficient oral hygiene or because of skipping the advised once-in-six-months dental visits, giving vent to gum diseases like gingivitis.
That’s when the gums around the teeth begin to feel itchy, swell up bleed and become rather painful. It is best to not delay the visit to the dentist.

periodontal problem

Your dentist might still be able to help remove the plaque from around the teeth area. If not treated even then, the plaque starts receding to areas under the teeth, affecting deeper tissues. The gingivitis has now transformed into a periodontal problem.

A worsened state of gingivitis is when the mouth odor is worse and the inflamed gums around the teeth start detaching themselves from the tooth. The periodontal (which is derived from ‘perio’, meaning around, and ‘dontal’, meaning teeth) tissues that slip downward, form pockets or spaces between the tooth and the gum. Thereon, the tooth can even start loosening and then simply fall out.

Exposed to the pain

So who can get gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis? If you smoke, are diabetic and maintain poor oral hygiene, you have a big chance of inviting periodontal trouble. Sadly, heredity, being born with crooked teeth or hormonal changes like those in women also play nuisance and put you at risk of gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis.


Prevention parameters

·         Try not to miss your six monthly dental appointments. The plaque deposit that doesn’t go away with brushing can be spotted and scraped off by the dentist. At least such visits will alert you to a potential attack of periodontal gum diseases.

Brush and floss regularly.
It helps reduce, and sometimes eliminate, plaque causing bacteria in your mouth.

      Introduce the habit of rinsing soon after you are done with your brushing and flossing. A powerful mouthwash like Listerine gets into crevices of your mouth where the toothbrush or floss couldn’t get to, and washes away germs that build plaque, thereby minimizing the onslaught of gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rid of Oral Problems with help of Mouthwash

Oral Problems
A Simple Way to Get Rid of Oral Problems
Some of the most common, yet not too popularly discussed oral problems that people deal with on a daily basis are cavities, gum problems, gingivitis and bleeding gums. Most people are probably not even aware that they may be suffering from or are in the process of developing oral problems like gingivitis because ,well, gingivitis is not a popularly used word so here’s the deal: You have gum problems and gingivitis if your find yourself suffering from:
·       Swollen gums
·       Bright red or purple gums
·       Gums that are tender or painful to the touch
·       Bleeding gums or bleeding after brushing and flossing
·       Bleeding gums while flossing
·       Bad breath

Cavities, and bleeding gums are more popularly known and so, people are more prepared to deal with them or have dealt with them already and know exactly how taxing the process actually is! Keeping these things in mind, if you have suffered from oral problems before you know that you never want to develop them again, and if you are one of the lucky few who have never faced these problems yet, don’t get too ahead of yourself, you never know when they might be around the corner. Plus, it’s always a good idea to make sure you never do get them by putting together a good oral care regimen don’t you think?

One simple way of doing this is to add a good mouthwash like Listerine to your oral care routine every day. Listerine is easy to carry around, and you always have it handy to keep your oral health intact. One awesome thing about this mouthwash is that it’s made up of Eucalyptol, Menthol and Thymol which goes a long way in fighting the germs in your mouth, which really is the key cause of cavities, gum problems, gingivitis and bleeding gums.

Most people are under the impression that food particles stuck in the mouth are the main causes of oral problems. While that is true to an extent, the mouth has a tendency to develop germs which are key in causing and later aggravating oral problems. So, just gargling after eating a meal, which is a prevalent practice, is unfortunately not enough to give you the kind of oral care your mouth deserves.

Listerine has gone into the depths of the nature and cause of cavities, gum problems, gingivitis and bleeding gums and has thus developed a formula of Eucalyptol, Menthol and Thymol which has proved to be a sure solution for the same. It also has a couple of variants, each dedicated to tackle specific oral problems. This means you can find the one that’s best suited for you, based on the kind of problems you face and avoid the generic types of mouthwash that only provide ‘fresh’ breath.

Put to rest the fears of cavities, gum problems, gingivitis and bleeding gums and don’t shy away from eating your favourite food because you can get 100% oral health just by adding Listerine to your daily oral care regimen!