I was walking through a
supermarket the other day, when I was asked to fill a survey about oral care. I knew It wouldn’t take me more than three
minutes to answer a questionnaire based on good oral care, I mean, how much can anyone really ask about
brushing your teeth, right?
So I started filling
out a questionnaire which required no thinking at all, or at least that’s what
I thought. The first question they asked me was, “Do you think brushing your
teeth is important, for oral health or oral hygiene?” I obviously answer, like any other normal
person would, in bold letters “Yes”. I don’t even know why someone would ask a
question like that, doesn’t everyone know what oral health or oral hygiene means?
Anyway the next few questions that followed were on the same lines- basic
questions about flossing, mouthwash, visits to the dentist etc. The last
question again was a no brainer; “What does complete oral health mean to you?”
I promptly wrote “Brushing your teeth, twice a day”. I was extremely happy
about my answers and frankly, I was secretly taunting the people who gave this
I handed the survey
back to the lady who’d asked me to fill it earlier. I turned my back and started walking out of
the supermarket, when suddenly my name was announced , but it wasn’t the sound
of my name that irritated me, it was what they said after- “You got a five on
ten in this survey”. That was humiliating to being with, especially for a
perfectionist and ‘know-it-all’ like me. How could anyone get only fifty percent
on questions that are based on good oral care? More
importantly, how can someone as smart as I get only fifty percent. I walked
right back and demanded an explanation.
Well, to be honest that
was a great decision even though I didn’t admit it at the time. They explained
to me, how brushing is not the only process involved in keeping your mouth
healthy. In order to keep your mouth protected from diseases and healthy at all
times, you need to follow a BFR routine. Which is Brushing, flossing and rinsing.
Wow! To think that all these years I was oblivious to this fact seemed
incredible. It also got me thinking about how many other people are ignorant about
it, which is why I decided to share this event with everyone. In the hope of highlighting how essential it
is to keep your mouth healthy, in the right way. There is only one way to keep
it really healthy, to clear your mouth of a virtually hundred percent of the
I hope I’ve been able to express just how important it is
to keep your mouth healthy, because a healthy mouth translates to a healthy
body. Which is why as soon as they explained it to me, I walked to the “Oral Care Products” section of the supermarket and picked up my very
first bottle of mouthwash; Listerine Original! Ever since that day I’ve been
following the BFR routine and I’ve got to admit that my mouth feels cleaner and
much healthier.
Related Topic : Bad Breath , Gum Problems
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