Showing posts with label Oral Care Products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oral Care Products. Show all posts

Friday, August 22, 2014

Similarities between Finding Nemo & Oral Care

I was walking through a supermarket the other day, when I was asked to fill a survey about oral care. I knew It wouldn’t take me more than three minutes to answer a questionnaire based on good oral care, I mean, how much can anyone really ask about brushing your teeth, right?

So I started filling out a questionnaire which required no thinking at all, or at least that’s what I thought. The first question they asked me was, “Do you think brushing your teeth is important, for oral health or oral hygiene?” I obviously answer, like any other normal person would, in bold letters “Yes”. I don’t even know why someone would ask a question like that, doesn’t everyone know what oral health or oral hygiene means? Anyway the next few questions that followed were on the same lines- basic questions about flossing, mouthwash, visits to the dentist etc. The last question again was a no brainer; “What does complete oral health mean to you?” I promptly wrote “Brushing your teeth, twice a day”. I was extremely happy about my answers and frankly, I was secretly taunting the people who gave this survey.

I handed the survey back to the lady who’d asked me to fill it earlier.  I turned my back and started walking out of the supermarket, when suddenly my name was announced , but it wasn’t the sound of my name that irritated me, it was what they said after- “You got a five on ten in this survey”. That was humiliating to being with, especially for a perfectionist and ‘know-it-all’ like me. How could anyone get only fifty percent on questions that are based on good oral care? More importantly, how can someone as smart as I get only fifty percent. I walked right back and demanded an explanation.

Well, to be honest that was a great decision even though I didn’t admit it at the time. They explained to me, how brushing is not the only process involved in keeping your mouth healthy. In order to keep your mouth protected from diseases and healthy at all times, you need to follow a BFR routine. Which is Brushing, flossing and rinsing. Wow! To think that all these years I was oblivious to this fact seemed incredible. It also got me thinking about how many other people are ignorant about it, which is why I decided to share this event with everyone.  In the hope of highlighting how essential it is to keep your mouth healthy, in the right way. There is only one way to keep it really healthy, to clear your mouth of a virtually hundred percent of the germs.

I hope I’ve been able to express just how important it is to keep your mouth healthy, because a healthy mouth translates to a healthy body. Which is why as soon as they explained it to me, I walked to the Oral Care Productssection of the supermarket and picked up my very first bottle of mouthwash; Listerine Original! Ever since that day I’ve been following the BFR routine and I’ve got to admit that my mouth feels cleaner and much healthier.

Related Topic : Bad Breath , Gum Problems

Getting Rid of Oral Problems

Getting rid of oral problems is no easy task. Fighting the problem begins with knowing what’s happening inside your mouth.

Oral problems can range from bad breath, a dry mouth, oral thrush, receding gums, bleeding gums, gum diseases like periodontitis and gingivitis, plaque, cavities, teeth grinding, tooth abscesses, tooth aches, discolored teeth, and leukoplakia (discolored patches in your mouth).
There are only a thousand things that could cause oral problems. Oral problems can occur due to improper oral hygiene, smoking or chewing tobacco, low immunity, diseases like diabetes, stress, poor nutrition, and can even be hereditary.

If your oral problems are at an advanced stage you’ve got no choice but to get proper treatment from your dentist. At this dreaded stage, the pain and inconvenience cause more trouble than you can imagine. You can’t eat or talk, either because your mouth hurts or because you’re under treatment! That’s why it’s a hundred times better to prevent any of it from happening or just stop it in its early stages.

The first thing you’ve got to do is get a routine check-up done by your dentist for oral problems. Get ready for additional trips if it’s bad. From there on you’ll need to form a complete oral care routine and stick to it religiously!

The most obvious step toward getting rid of oral problems is brushing your teeth daily. Here are a few things to do for your oral health.

  • Make sure you brush after every meal. Brushing your teeth removes most of the germs on your tooth’s surface, but can’t reach the germs between your teeth and other hard-to-reach places.
  • Dentists suggest using dental floss to clean the plaque between your teeth.
  • Additionally, add a mouthwash like Listerine to your oral care regimen to remove bacteria that cause plaque, bad breath and gum problems from those hard-to-reach places.

Studies have shown that flossing and rinsing is more effective in reducing the formation of plaque and gingivitis compared to brushing alone. So yes, it’s worth the extra effort!

A mouthwash like Listerine ,not only prevents Bad Breath, but also fights oral bacteria, preventing the formation of plaque and gum problems, resulting in better oral health than brushing alone.

But getting rid of oral problems doesn’t stop once you’ve had your oral care routine going for a while. It’s a long term exercise that gives your mouth better health, and you have to continue the routine so long as you want to keep oral problems away!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Bad Breath cure with help of mouthwash

First impressions are everything now a days. Whether it is turning up for a job interview, going out for a hot date or simply meeting friends, first impressions change the way you are judged by others. Bad breath is one of the main attributes to leaving to a bad impression, along with the body odor.
With bad breath being such a critical element, how do you even know if you have it and is there a cure? Last time I checked it almost impossible to check this in everyday life unless you subject a friend or colleague to testing out your uncertainties.Saying this though, there is one recommended way to check without the risk of losing those you ask to check.

Firstly turn a regular spoon upside down so that the concave section is towards the tongue. Then lightly scrape the spoon from the back of the tongue to the front. Once you have done this, simply smell the tip of the spoon, (at a distance first maybe to avoid what may await you.) I’m sure then I don’t need to tell you what constitutes as good or bad breath.So if you come to the conclusion that you have bad breath, what could have caused this? It does not only happen to those who have avoided regular brushing, in fact most people with bad breath will brush their teeth twice a day.

The simplest explanation for bad breath can be the foods that you have consumed during the day, with the worst being garlic and onion that can leave a pungent smell.Some other reasons for having bad breath involve having what they call dry mouth syndrome, where having a decreased flow of saliva can result in bad breath, and of course smoking or chewing tobacco will not give you that minty fresh taste and smell that most would strive for.Apart from these fairly trivial explanations, Bad breath can also be caused by some medical conditions such as bronchitis and throat infections, which although possible are harder to treat.So if you do fall into the first two categories of bad breath you are in luck, as these can be cured through a few simple steps in your daily routine.

To cure dry mouth the answer is pretty self-explanatory, drink more water! And for cigarettes I’m sorry to say it but you’re going to have to stub them out for good.
A final rule of thumb for maintaining that crisp minty breath you crave is by rinsing for 30 seconds after each meal to dislodge food particles and refresh your mouth. This is best done through using a mouthwash such as Listerine as it comes in a range of flavours and sizes than can be used on the go.

The first step to cure bad breath is through maintaining regular good oral hygiene. This can be done through brushing your teeth, gums and tongue at least twice a day, flossing twice a day and using a good approved brand of mouthwash, Listerine I find works best as it also helps prevent plaque buildup and gum problems.

Through using these techniques stated above, you can conquer bad breath, excel in good oral hygiene and maybe secure that job/hot date that you previously scared away.

Important Tips for Oral Care during Pregnancy

Body: Pregnancy is one of the most exciting and important phases in a woman’s life. In order to maintain good health, one has to consider oral heath as an extremely important task. There are a lot of hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy that reacts with oral activities. The mouth is no exception, maintaining oral hygiene during pregnancy is as imperative as maintaining the health of your body.

What is gingivitis?
Several hormonal changes take place in your body during pregnancy which may increase the risk of gum diseases. This could result in gingivitis, one of the most common dental problems which in turn might affect the health of your baby as well as you. Oral care should be given high priority by any woman who is going to give birth to a baby.

Necessary tips for Oral care during Pregnancy that every woman should follow:

Regular Dentist Check up: 
You must visit a dentist every week so as to ensure that your mouth is in a healthy state with no gum diseases. Acquiring this habit will give you confidence about your good health and you can feel assured about the safety of your oral organs.

Brush twice a day
It is very important for you to brush at least twice a day to remove plaque. Apart from using a toothpaste and toothbrush, I would like to add mouthwash into your regular habit of using oral care products. Along with making you feel fresh, Mouthwash keeps you free from so many diseases. I would like to recommend Listerine mouthwash as it’s one of the best. It is very effective for pregnant ladies if used on a regular basis.

Floss Daily
You need to floss your mouth daily; it will remove the debris that is hidden between the teeth. Daily flossing works efficiently at the point where tooth brush cannot do anything. You need to clean your tongue as well for 100% oral health.

Have calcium rich diet: 
Calcium is a very effective nutrient that strengthens your bones. It will help your baby get strong bones and teeth. You should try to avoid sweet food along with starchy snacks. You can eat milk, soybean, cheese and green vegetables. A nutritious diet can control any kind of minor germ attacks and hormonal changes that are related to oral health pregnancy.

So, at the end I would like to advice all pregnant ladies to pay special attention to oral care habits during pregnancy because it is a top priority for all mothers-to-be.